Name of the facility Il Moran Governors Camp
Certification Achieved Silver
Year opened 2000
Tourism region Masai Mara/South Rift
County Narok
Address Masai Mara National Reserve.
Map It
Telephone/Mobile +254 722 717529
Email [email protected]
Facility Notes Il Moran Governors Camp is located on the banks of the Mara River, in the Northern part of the Masai Mara National Reserve. The camp is specifically located on Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates, Latitude 36M 0726849 and Longitude UTM 9857724. The camp has 10 guest rooms with a bed capacity of 20 visitors and a total work force of 41 employees.
Masai Mara National Reserve is home to the “Big Five” (lion, leopard, African elephant, African buffalo, and Black Rhinoceros). The plains are also home to the distinctive Masai giraffe. The large Roan antelope and the nocturnal bat-eared fox, rarely present elsewhere in Kenya, can be seen within the reserve borders. The climate of the region is mainly warm and dry; with hot days and cool evenings.
Energy management Il Moran Governors Camp main source of energy is derived from diesel powered generators. It has two (2) main generators with power output capacity of 55.5 KvA and 60KvA. The power is used for lighting the Camp and running the refrigerators. Additionally, the facility has a movable backup generator with power output capacity of 150 KVA. Chardust and sustainable charcoal briquettes obtained from Chardust Limited and Muhoroni Sugar Company respectively are used for guest warming and running water heating kuni boilers. Guests are briefed on energy conservation on arrival and through information folders in the guest tents while staff is sensitized through staff meetings and departmental briefings. The Camp uses Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for guests and staff cooking. Energy Saving bulbs and Light Emitting Diodes (LED) have been installed throughout the Camp. Visitors and staff are sensitized in energy conservation through switching off unnecessary lights. Rechargeable spotlights are used at the facility by the security personnel
Environmental management Il Moran Governors camp has a piece-meal environmental policy with emphasis on environmental conservation, protection and well-being of the local community. The Camp has a valid annual self-environmental audit and an environmental management plan with monitoring on water and energy conservation, and health and safety
Chemical use The Camp uses biodegradable natural washing soaps or solutions in the guest tents obtained from cinnabar Green. The facility buys its Liquefied petroleum Gas (LPG) packaged in 2 Tonne cylinder. The facility uses Ecolab washing detergents and soaps. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) are provided.
Conservation Criteria
Community Criteria
Solid waste management Organic waste is composted in a properly sealed (metallic plate and a cage) compost pit. Excess metallic waste, glass waste and plastic waste is collected and transported to Nairobi via Governors Headquarters for disposal to recycling companies.
Water management Il Moran Governors Camp main source of water is from a well. The water is pumped and stored in eight (8) reservoirs with an average capacity of 32,000 litres for distribution throughout the facility. The water is metered at source. The camp has a water extraction permit. Guests are encouraged to re-use their towels through briefing and in the guest information folder. Guest tents showers are fixed with low shower filter heads aimed at water conservation. Staff is sensitized during meetings and guests during briefings to enhance water use efficiency.
Visitor communication & education Guest tents have folders with comprehensive information on Governors camp activities and community initiatives, wildlife information materials, mammals and birdlife list. The facility has an equipped reading materials resource zone located at the restaurant section. These include, magazines, ‘Birds, mammals in East Africa and Africa in general. Checklists and books on mammals, birdlife are available. Guests are briefed upon arrival on the values of camp operations.
Pollution The vehicle car wash area is fixed with an oil interceptor to contain any possible oil leaks form car wash. The pathways are lit through the use of paraffin lanterns aimed at night, light pollution minimization. The generators are fixed with a muffler (sound reducing device) and kept in a sound proof room to reduce on sound pollution
Environmental conservation Il Moran Governors Camp is built on a low environmental footprint; the facility design blends in with the local natural surroundings. Guests are car pooled (where possible) to a minimum of 6 guests per game drive in order to reduce number of vehicles on game drive. This acts as a way of reducing the visitors’ carbon foot print. Through the mother company Governors Camp; Il Moran Governors camp supports Mara-Meru cheetah project. A research program aimed at identification of behavioral adaptations and assessment of impact of social structure on reproductive success and survival of the cheetah in the protected areas under human influence. The camp assists in Cheetah monitoring through sightings and gathering information for the researchers. In addition, researchers are given an opportunity to give talks to the clients at the camp.
Waste water management Grey water from the guest kitchen and laundry is managed through soak pits – the system is fixed with a grease trap (for kitchen effluent), and drains into soak away pit. Grey water from the guest tents, public areas and staff quarters is also managed through soak pits. Il Moran Governors Camp has conducted its effluent sample tests. Black water from the guests’ tents, public areas and staff quarters is managed through three chamber septic tank. The overflow ends up in soak ways connected with radial arms. EM1, (Effective Micro-organism) is added into the septic tanks to facilitate sludge digestion.
Purchasing and supplies Il Moran Camp encourages environmental, sustainable packaging ways in its supply chain which include bulk buying where possible to reduce on packaging material and delivery of perishables such as vegetables, fruits in re-usable crates, cartons, sisal baskets popularly known as ‘kikapu’ and cool boxes for meat. Detergents are packed in 20 litre containers to reduce on packaging waste.
Employment and remuneration/staff welfare Employees have a staff committee which meets on monthly basis. It is ascribed to the workers union and, handles and addresses staff issues. New employees are well inducted on the camp’s operations and environmental values and principles
Staff education, communication and awareness training The facility has notice boards for staff communication and information. Further, employees are sensitized and briefed during daily departmental meetings and weekly HOD meetings.
Cultural preservation and promotion/protection of local sites Il Moran Governors Camp offers local villages visit. The visitors are sensitized on the local culture, engage in cultural dances, talks and sports activities such as arrows and spears throwing. Each visitor is charged 25 US dollars and issued with a receipt which they provide at the villages. The monies are later paid directly to the local people who have established village accounts each with four (4) signatories. The facility has a Naturalist who gives talks on environmental conservation, and local Masai culture
Benefits to local community/community empowerment More than 50% of the employees at Il Moran Governors are employed from the local area. In addition, all casual work opportunities are allocated to the locals from nearby Mara Rianta centre. Local purchases are made from the nearby Mara Rianta and Aitong towns where possible. Suh supplies include vegetables and sustainably obtained fuel-wood. Il Moran Governors operates a curio shop with additional curios and beads obtained from local vendors around Mara Rianta area. Through Governors Camps Collection CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), Il Moran Governors Camp supports the education and health initiatives set under Mara Rianta Charitable Trust. The facility supports the maintenance of the road network within the Musiara areas and supplies water to Musiara Gate Rangers. Staff welfare benefits include; service charges, health care, uniform, food, accommodation, and transport. The staff is paid a wage above the minimum government requirements.
Cultural Criteria
Health and safety Kitchen staff (food and beverage handlers) has undergone medical check-ups to ascertain their health fitness within the kitchen. Proper housekeeping (clean, well arranged, labeled, and ventilated) was noted in the food store. The guest tents are equipped with night spotlights for use by visitors as a safety precaution. A team of staff is well trained on first aid –training and fully replenished first aid kits are well supplied in each department. Medical emergencies for staff are referred to neighboring sister facility – Governors Camp clinical officer.
Il Moran encourages its guests to insure with flying doctors services; however, it is linked to Air Rescue and has an airstrip nearby for any medical emergency. The Camp has undergone medical inspection and has been issued with a Heath clearance certificate under the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation.
Firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire blanket, fire automatic suppression, and fire alarm are serviced and strategically fixed within the facility. The facility provides PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as ear muffs, boots, uniform, gloves, and apron to the repairs and maintenance staff. A fire assembly point and fire alarm are fixed. The facility has conducted a Fire safety and a comprehensive health and safety audit.
Child labor, abuse and human rights The facility does not employ any person below the legal working age of 18 years.
Business Practises Criteria
Entry Date 15th March 2018