Name of the facility Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge
Certification Achieved Silver
Year opened 2004
Tourism region North Rift
County Nakuru
Address 72630, 00200 Nairobi
Map It
Telephone/Mobile +254(0)203616000/ 0722 206324
Email [email protected]
Facility Notes Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge is located in Lake Nakuru National Park. The lodge is located on GPS coordinates Latitude 0°25’39″S || Longitude 36°3’11″E. it was opened in 2014 owned and operated by Sopa Lodges. The facility has 60 guest rooms with a bed capacity of 121 guests and a total workforce of 86 employees.
Lake Nakuru is surrounded by various types of wetlands ranging from mud-flats to sedge marshes. With no outlet except through evapo-transpiration, dissolved salts from the volcanic soils turn the river waters into a saline lake. The alkaline water conditions stimulate exponential growth and bloom of the blue green algae, as well as proliferation of specialized crustaceans, fish and amphibians in the lake. The algae blooms attract millions of Lesser flamingo, which feed only on blue green algae. The fish and crustaceans provide food to Greater flamingo in addition to a wide variety of storks, egrets, ducks, kingfishers, sandpipers, stilts, avocets and plovers.
Lake Nakuru National Park is a world-renowned birds paradise with over 500 species recorded. In 2011, Lakes Nakuru, Elmenteita and Bogoria were designated as World Heritage Sites under UNESCO. Lake Nakuru is also a designated site under the Ramsar Convention as a wetland of international importance. (
Energy management The lodge is connected to Kenya Power as the main source of energy. It is used for lighting, water heating and running the refrigerants. In addition, there is a backup generator with a power output of 400 KvA.
Energy is metered at source. Daily recording is conducted to monitor usage. The generator fuel consumption is also monitored. Energy saving bulbs is installed throughout to enhance energy conservation.
The lodge has one (1) efficient kuni boiler used for water heating at the staff quarters. Deadwood from the premises is used for the boiler. Water in the guest rooms is heated through electric heaters.
Liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG) is used for the guest kitchen while the staff kitchen uses efficient stoves supplied by Botto Solar Ltd.
Guests are briefed on energy conservation upon arrival. Visual signage was also observed in key areas within the lodge sensitizing on energy conservation.
Environmental management LNSL is guided by its corporate philosophy on environment which indicates dedication to the practice of sound environmental stewardship, promotion of health and safety of guests and employees as well as integration of all social and environmental concerns in their business operations. The facility has an environmental management system (EMS) to spearhead its operations.
The lodge has undertaken its annual Environmental Audit (EA) as required by EMCA 1999 (Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act.)
Chemical use The resort uses Robico Organic Soaps biodegradable solutions for cleaning and laundry. The chemicals are accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Swimming pool chemicals consumption records are properly kept to monitor chemical use.
Liquefied Petroleum gas is stored in 50 kg cylinders while fuel i.e. diesel is stored in 200 liters containers in a properly secured store. Safety signage is available
Conservation Criteria
Community Criteria
Solid waste management Waste separation is conducted at source. The bins are labelled. Organic waste is composted in a well-covered pit.
Plastics, metallic waste (tins), glass (wine bottles are kept at a waste management area which is well segregated. It is then taken back to Nairobi through the head office to recycling companies
Water management The main source of water for LNSL is obtained from a borehole. The water is pumped and collected in reservoirs of approximately 190,000 liters for supply through gravitational force to the entire premises. Water is metered at source and recording done to monitor its consumption.
The lodge has established a routine reporting procedure to monitor any water leakages. The efforts are spearheaded by the repairs & maintenance (R&M) team.
The guest rooms are fixed with water efficient dual flash toilet cisterns, low filter shower heads and faucets.
Visitor communication & education Guests are briefed upon arrival by the manager on the existing activities of the lodge and about operational values. Room information is available in the guest rooms with more information about the lodge.
Pollution The guest kitchen is fixed with a kitchen hub for proper ventilation. The pathways are mildly lit at night top reduce light pollution. The generator room is noise proofed to reduce on noise pollution
Environmental conservation The lodge conducts low environmental impact activities such as bird watching and nature walks for its visitors. The activities are aimed at sensitizing the visitors on the surrounding environment.
The lodge forms part of the park stakeholders committee, which works together with Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) in implementing conservation projects such as ‘Cycling with rhinos’ event which is held annually. The lodge participates in the planning, sensitization and execution of the project in conjunction with local schools.
The facility also works closely with KWS rangers on reporting of incidences on wildlife and the park and through environmental cleanups.
Waste water management All grey water from the kitchen, guest rooms and staff quarters is managed via soak pits. The kitchen effluent system has grease traps to filter out oils and grease. Black water from the guest rooms and public areas is managed through septic tanks. The facility has conducted effluent tests analysis and issued with an effluent discharge license.
The facility swimming pool is cleaned via sieving, vacuum cleaning and backwash system which is conducted every 2- 3 days.
Purchasing and supplies The facility purchases its products in bulk to reduce on packaging; fruits and vegetables are packed in re-usable crates whereas meat is packaged in cool boxes and stored in chillers.
The stores were noted to be clean, organized and well maintained hence ensuring food safety and no chances of contamination
Employment and remuneration/staff welfare Sensitization and briefings are conducted to the staff on health and safety
The lodge provides employment opportunities to the locals- all the casuals are hired from the local community.
Staff education, communication and awareness training The employees are trained internally by the management and they have a staff welfare committee which addresses issues with the management.
Staff accommodation is in good and proper condition for health and hygiene standards. Employees are provided with health care, uniform, food, accommodation facilities, entertainment and basic amenities
Cultural preservation and promotion/protection of local sites The facility arranges traditional kikuyu cultural dances on demand for guests. One dance group has been contracted, which is paid per performance.
The lodge’s interior design is reflective of traditional culture which includes traditional artefacts
Benefits to local community/community empowerment Local purchasing is made where possible; such as staff meat, milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
The lodge is barely new therefore trying to create linkages with a local school and villages to support community projects; specifically Lazio naishi primary school. So far, the lodge facilitated and financed the drilling of a borehole at Kihingo village at an average cost of Ksh. 2 million. On weekly basis, the R&M team conducts maintenance of the borehole and pump water for the community
Cultural Criteria
Health and safety LNSR has a health and safety policy committed to compliance with relevant health and safety regulations, minimizing injuries and illness, communication to staff and visitors for continual improvement. In addition, there is a health & safety committee which spearheads safety issues within the resort.
The facility has a team of 6 staff trained on general first aid and fire-fighting. The lodge is linked to Flying doctors emergency services while first aid kits are distributed in the main departments.
The facility has a Health Clearance Certificate from the County Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. The facility is also registered as a workplace under DOSH (Directorate of Safety and Health). There is a clinic and a clinician within the premises to attend to medical emergencies. Serious cases are referred to a local hospital.
Medical check-ups are conducted in every six (6) months to food and beverage handlers to ascertain their health fitness, and in compliance with the Food, Drugs, and Chemical substances Act. Cap 254. Verified records showed medical examination was conducted on June 2016.Adequate firefighting equipment including, fire extinguishers, fire blanket in the kitchen, are serviced. Fire assembly point is clearly and conspicuously marked within the resort. In addition, a fire emergency plan is availed in guest rooms showing the nearest fire exits and assembly points.
The facility provides protective gear / PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as boots, uniform, gloves, apron to the staff. Guest rooms are equipped with a night flush light and a fire alarm is in place.
The lodge has installed safety and precautionary signage such as, highly flammable in strategic areas such as diesel storage room.
LNSL has conducted a fire safety audit to comply with Factories and other places of work (Fire Risk Reduction) Rules 2007, and a Safety and Health Audit to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007
Adequate firefighting equipment including, fire extinguishers, fire blanket in the kitchen, are serviced. Fire assembly point is clearly and conspicuously marked within the resort. In addition, a fire emergency plan is availed in guest rooms showing the nearest fire exits and assembly points.
The facility provides protective gear / PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as boots, uniform, gloves, apron to the staff. Guest rooms are equipped with a night flush light and a fire alarm is in place.
The lodge has installed safety and precautionary signage such as, highly flammable in strategic areas such as diesel storage room.
LNSL has conducted a fire safety audit to comply with Factories and other places of work (Fire Risk Reduction) Rules 2007, and a Safety and Health Audit to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007
Child labor, abuse and human rights The facility does not employ children under the age of 18.
Business Practises Criteria
Entry Date 17th November 2017

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