Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort

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Name of the facility Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort
Certification Achieved Silver
Year opened 2000
Tourism region North Rift
County Nakuru
Address Naivasha
Map It
Telephone/Mobile + 254 799 863 970 / +254 020 217 7 670
Email [email protected]
Facility Notes GRVL is located 115 kilometers from Nairobi off the Nairobi-Nakuru highway, on a private land. It is located on Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates, Latitude -0.6677 (00°40′3.724″S and Longitude 36.32129 (36°19′16.648″E). it was opened in 2000, and operated by Heritage Hotels Ltd. The facility has 30 guest rooms and 120 cottages with a bed capacity of 450 and a total work force of 314 employees.
Lake Naivasha is a fresh water body designated as a wetland of international importance for avi-fauna conservation under the Ramsar Convention. The high diversity of habitats in Lake Naivasha provide critical refuge to over 200 water dependant, local and international migratory birds species. In addition, the lake supports abundant populations of many species of wildlife, both mammals and reptiles in the vast hinterland. These natural attributes and tranquillity make Lake Naivasha an important tourism destination. Tourists enjoy boat rides and water sports as well as hiking and trekking along the shoreline. Apart from tourism, the fresh water lake has a thriving fisheries industry, which economically supports many local households. The lake is the main source of water for commercial horticultural farms in the region. However, water pollution, over-fishing, high water abstraction and invasive species have degraded the conservation value of Lake Naivasha over time.
Energy management Kenya power grid and solar energy are the main sources of power for the lodge. In addition, the lodge has three (3) back-up generators each of 250KvA, 100KvA, and 100KvA. Power from the Main grid is used for lighting, water heating, running refrigerants and machines; however, approximately 70% of water heating is through solar energy. In total, the camp has (12) twelve solar water heating equipment of 300 litres. Further facility staff quarters / camp runs on solar energy.
Verified records showed energy consumption is metered and monitored through recording on a daily basis (conducted via hotel resource use dashboard). Further energy consumption has been sub-metered at the main consumption points such as laundry and kitchens and for specific cottages. This is aimed at monitoring consumption. Documents availed by the hotel showed recording done on daily basis.
The following measures are used to promote energy conservation within the lodge;
• Energy saving bulbs and light emitting diodes are installed throughout the facility.
• The guests are briefed on energy conservation and encouraged to switch off unnecessary lights.
• The facility has an employee of the month award for recognizing best practices in energy conservation.
• Laundry roofing is designed to allow for natural lighting within the section.
Swimming pool water heating (approximately 4,000 litres of water) is through the use of solar energy.
Environmental management GVRL has a corporate environmental policy statement committed to environmental management on water, energy and waste, nature conservation and local community involvement.
GRVL has carried out its annual self-Environmental Audit in compliance with NEMA – Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, of 2003.
The lodge has an environmental committee that meets on monthly basis to spearhead environmental conservation initiatives within the facility. These activities include, tree planting and general clean ups.
The facility has an environmental management system (EMS) to spearhead its operations. The EMS includes planning for impact reduction, implementation and operation, monitoring (checking) and management review.
Chemical use The hotel has a Material Control (MC) System used to control and monitor chemical usage. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the chemicals are available
The lodge uses biodegradable bathroom products such bathing soaps and shampoos supplied by Limrock hotel supplies limited. For efficiency purposes, chemical and water uptake for the laundry machines is automated
Fuel including petrol and diesel is stored in underground tanks of 4,000 litres respectively. The tanks are fixed with a fuelling pump. Supply is made by Roadster Ltd. Gas is bought in bulk – 2 tons, supplied by Total Kenya. The storage area is fenced and fixed with precautionary signage
Conservation Criteria
Community Criteria
Solid waste management Waste separation at the camp is conducted at source, and the bins are clearly labelled. Further sorting is also done at the waste management area before disposal via Nairobi central stores to recycling companies.
Organic waste and specifically, waste vegetables are composted – in waste holding structures / cages – within the kitchen garden. The manure obtained is used within the garden. In efforts aimed at plastic waste reduction; domestic water for staff drinking is supplied in 18litre water dispensers.
Water management The water for the lodge is pumped from three (3) boreholes within the premises and stored in reservoirs. Water is treated through sedimentation, filtration and chlorination before being supplied to all consumer points. The water is metered and consumption monitored at the main outlet (conducted via hotel resource use dashboard).
Water is metered at source. Verified documents showed water consumption recording is conducted on a daily basis. Verified records further showed the lodge has a water permit for the borehole water extraction.
The facility has put in place the following measures to reduce water usage;
• Use of “towel talks” in the guest rooms encouraging visitors on the re-use of towels.
• Fixed signage in areas such as kitchen to sensitize staff on water conservation.
• Installed dual water toilet cistern system to reduce on water consumed per flush.
• Fixed low pressure shower filter heads with faucets for water use efficiency.
• Knee-press taps in the main kitchen washing area.
• Laundry machines operated at their optimum weight to conserve on water and energy. Weighing of the laundry is conducted before washing to ascertain load to the machines.
• Rapid action by maintenance team to attend to any water leakages
Visitor communication & education The lodge has a resource information centre for visitors and staff. The centre has information on birds, mammals, reptiles and Kenya’s History.
In the evening, guests are shown slide shows aimed at creating awareness on environmental conservation.
Guests are briefed upon arrival on the environmental values and operations of the lodge. The guest cottages have information folders to sensitize clients’ on the facility’s operations
Pollution The lodge’s paths lights are fixed with sensors to reduce light pollution and enhance energy conservation. The generator is insulated and fixed with a sound reducing device
Environmental conservation The lodge conducts low environmental impact activities such as bird watching, and nature walks for its visitors within the premises. The activities are aimed at sensitizing the visitors on the surrounding environment.
The facility has tree planting activity conducted within the premises. Each staff has a set target of 10 trees to plant in every year. A list of tree species planted was verified. Seedlings are obtained from the facility’s own nursery bed. The facility further engages in re-afforestation of the nearby Eburru forest. For instance, approximately 400 indigenous seedlings were planted early July 2016.
Every Tuesday, an environmental day is conducted where employees not on duty are expected to take part in environmental cleanliness.
Waste water management Grey waste water from the staff and guest kitchen drains through a grease trap to remove excess fats and oils before joining the sewer system into a treatment plant.
The effluent from the guest cottages and staff quarters flows into septic tanks for solid waste sedimentation. EM1 bio-enzymes are added to enhance sludge digestion. The effluent later flows into an established waste water treatment plant.
Black water within the facility is managed through systems that comprises of sewer line, man holes, septic tanks and drains into a waste water treatment plant. The plant consists of six co-joined lagoons with various levels of treatment.
Swimming pool water is cleaned via vacuum cleaning and backwash systems. PH levels (i.e. acidity and alkalinity levels) are checked twice a day. Effluent from backwash is managed in a soak away.
Water effluent tests for the facility are conducted on quarterly basis to comply with NEMA – Environmental Management and Coordination (Water Quality) Regulations of 2006.
Purchasing and supplies The facility purchases its products in bulk to reduce amount of packaging; fruits and vegetables are packed in re-usable crates while meat is packaged in cool boxes.
Employment and remuneration/staff welfare The lodge holds weekly departmental meetings and daily briefs are held for staff sensitization. Additionally, the (HODS) Heads of Departments meet thrice weekly for briefing and updates.
Staff education, communication and awareness training The facility has notice boards for staff communication. Emails and memos are also used to facilitate communication.
Cultural preservation and promotion/protection of local sites Information on cultural awareness is conducted during environmental conservation talks in the evening.
On special occasions such as Christmas and Easter, the lodge hosts local traditional dancers to entertain the visitors with the dancers – paid per performance.
Benefits to local community/community empowerment The lodge purchases fruits and vegetables from local suppliers in Naivasha Town. On 14th June 2016 during the World Blood Donor Day, GRVL partnered with AIC Kijabe Mission Hospital and close to 45 pints of blood were donated while 29 people were tested for and counselled on HIV. On Ad hoc basis, the lodge makes donations such as food and clothing to the local Mai Mahiu Orphanage.
Through philanthropy, GRVL supports a feeding program for an early childhood development school – GRVL –ECD School, within the premises. The school admits pupils from the locality. Additionally, the lodge employs three teachers for the school.
GRVL further supports the Early Childhood development (ECD School by creating environmental awareness. For instance, through the Trust for African Schools (TAS), GRVL supported the 50 pupils for a trip to Lake Bogoria National Reserve. Earlier the lodge supported a similar trip to Nairobi Museums.
Through Friends of Green Park (FOGP), the lodge recently built a dining hall for the GRVL –ECD School.
In conjunction with Lions Club Westlands Nairobi, GRVL through Friends of Green Park recently provided a free eye clinic to the staff and residents of Green Park that saw 150 people tested for eye problems and one child referred for surgery.
The lodge offers internship opportunities to local students. Training opportunities are also given to local students who excel in their Form four examinations.
Cultural Criteria
Health and safety The lodge has a health and safety committee to spearhead health and safety within the facility. Training for the health and safety committee was ongoing at the time of assessment. Additionally, there are trained first aiders in all departments. The facility has established evacuation procedures, with procedures pinned behind guest room doors
The lodge outsources medical services for guest and staff healthcare. The doctor visits the lodge twice a week.
Adequate first aid kits are available within the camp. The first aid boxes were assessed and found to comply with the First Aid Rules (Legal Notice No. 160 of 1977).
The lodge is signed up to Flying doctors services for medical evacuation. Charter air services can be provided for non-medical emergency response.
Verified documents showed medical examination is conducted every six (6) months to all food handlers in compliance with the Food, Drugs, and Chemical substances Act. Cap 254
Inspection has been conducted by public health inspectors under the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation and the lodge issued with a Health Inspection License.
Fire-fighting equipment including, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, are duly serviced and strategically placed within the facility. Sand buckets are also used to complement the fire extinguishers.
The lodge provides PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) including boats, overall and gloves to the staff.
Fire exits, fire panic alarms and assembly points are properly marked and conspicuously displayed within the facility. Precautionary and safety signage are well fixed in areas such as the gas storage, the swimming pool and fuel pumping station
Child labor, abuse and human rights The lodge has well defined Human Resource policy that guides against employment of minors. Minimum employment age is 18years
Business Practises Criteria
Entry Date 9th March 2018

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