Name of the facility Eagle View Camp
Certification Achieved Silver
Year opened 2012
Tourism region Masai Mara/South Rift
County Narok
Address Naboisho Conservancy
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Telephone/Mobile +254 733 333909
Email [email protected]
Facility Notes Eagle View Camp is located in Naboisho Conservancy situated within the Mara-Serengeti Ecosystem. The facility was established in 2012 owned and managed by Basecamp Explorer Kenya. It has twelve (12) tents with a maximum bed capacity of 24. The camp is open all year round and has 32 permanent staff for its operations. It is designed to have a low impact on the environment. The canvas tents are beige in color, and blend in with the natural surroundings. They are raised from the ground on wooden platforms, leaving the natural vegetation relatively undisturbed.
Mara Naboisho Conservancy measures approximately 50,000 acres within the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem. The conservancy was established in 2010. The term Naboisho is a ‘Maa’ word that means “coming together”. About 500 local Maasai landowners agreed to lease their lands for 15 years for creating Naboisho Conservancy in conjunction with Basecamp Limited. The aim was to conserve the land and wildlife, whilst simultaneously creating wealth for the landowners through tourism enterprises. The Conservancy is an integral part of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem providing critical wildlife dispersal area for migratory wildlife, including the wildebeest. The Mara portion of the ecosystem supports approximately 92 species of mammals and about 400 species of local birds. It is the largest high altitude grassland in East Africa and hosts the largest population of the migratory Caspian Plover. The conservancy supports wildlife conservation through undertaking applied research studies to improve human-wildlife interactions. There are on-going study programs on lions, cheetahs and elephants.
Energy management The facility’s main source of power is solar energy fixed with power inverter battery system. The system provides power for lighting and running all the refrigerators. In addition is a backup generator – rarely used – with power output of 45 KVA. The solar power inverter system is metered and installed with main switches for major outlets which enable easier energy monitoring. The energy is shared between Koiyaki Guiding School and Eagle View each fixed with its own meter. (The solar installation is an initiative between Basecamp Foundation and Donors).
Energy saving LED and energy saving bulbs are fitted for lighting throughout the camp. Solar power rechargeable flash light torches are also used by, guests and security officers within the camp.
The guest tents are each fixed with a 300 litre sola water heating system. The camp has also installed three (3) energy efficient kuni boilers used within the staff quarters. The kuni boilers use off-cuts and Chardust. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is used for cooking both at the guests and staff quarters. The staff kitchen also uses fire wood and charcoal for cooking. The fire wood is collected from dead wood within the camp.
Guests and staff are briefed on energy conservation and efficiency through guests’ arrival briefings.
Environmental management Eagle View Camp is guided by the mother company (Basecamp Explorer) Environmental policy. The policy lays emphasis on contribution to conservation, social and local cultural issues whilst enhancing education and awareness amongst the staff and guests. The facility in assisting has a comprehensive environmental management system with clear action / management plans for water, energy and waste management.
Chemical use Biodegradable bathing soaps and solutions are used within the camp. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum gas) is packed in 25 kg and 12.5kg gas cylinders used for guests and staff cooking respectively.
Conservation Criteria
Community Criteria
Solid waste management Waste separation is conducted at source, and the bins are clearly labeled. Further sorting is done at the waste management center. Organic waste is managed through a compost pit which is well enclosed to keep off scavengers. The system has four (4) chambers where waste is decomposed. Each chamber is utilized until it’s full; the process is repeated in the other chambers. Leachate is collected in a soak pit. The final residue / compost are used as manure.
Plastic, glass and metallic waste is later disposed via Basecamp Explorer head offices to recycling companies in Nairobi. The camp has an incinerator used for burning paper.
In an aim to reduce waste production, the facility has plans in place to roll out reusable bottles for serving drinking water in the guest tents. The camp uses durable long lasting batteries and rechargeable solar torches to reduce on battery waste generation.
Water management The main source of water for the camp is obtained from a borehole located within the conservancy. The water is stored in reservoir tanks with an average capacity of 10,000 litres. Additionally, the camp also conducts rain water harvesting from its iron roofed staff quarters. The water is stored in (5) five tanks with an average capacity of 65,000 litres. The water is metered at the main outlet and recording done on a regular basis for monitoring purposes.
The guest tents are installed with faucets and lift taps to reduce on water use. In addition, the guest tents are fitted with dual flush toilet cisterns which reduce on the amount of water consumed per flush. Guests are also sensitized on water conservation efforts by the camp manager upon arrival and through tent information folders. There are also “towel talk” signs in the guest tents encouraging guests to re-use their towels to reduce on water usage.
Visitor communication & education Eagle View Camp has a visitors’ resource area equipped with reading materials including environmental publications, wildlife and travel magazines, and nature conservation magazines such as Africa Geographic, Books on Kenya, Birds of Kenya. Mammals and bird list to sensitize visitors on the environmental values, and conservancy operations and activities.
Guests are briefed upon arrival on the values of the camp, camp operations and the Conservancy. Additionally, booklets and room information folders are available at the resource information section and guest tents respectively.
Pollution Paraffin Lanterns are used to light the paths at night with an aim to avoid light pollution.
The generator is fixed with a muffler system to reduce on sound pollution.
Environmental conservation Eagle View camp is built on low environmental footprint and blends in with the local surrounding. The tents are made of beige canvas raised on raised wooden platforms (obtained sustainably). The pathways are left natural with ‘dry elephant dung’ spread to demarcate the way. The restaurant roofing is made up from Onduline roofing sheet that blend with the environment. The surrounding indigenous vegetation remains undisturbed. The camp plays a significant role in the Naboisho Conservancy operations and management by paying monthly conservancy, lees and bed night fees. It has also formed partnerships to promote conservation.
The camp has partnered with the Mara Lion Project- a research project in collaboration with the International Research Institute (ILRI), the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and Danish Zoological Society (DSZ) to collar lions in order to monitor and understand their ecology, space utilization, demography and pride compositions. Eagle view involves the research project manager – Niels Mogensen in offering sensitization and conservation talks to the visitors.
Eagle view also engages with the Mara Cheetah Project, a project aimed in identification of behavioral adaptations and assessment of impact of social structure on reproductive success and survival of the cheetah in the protected areas under human influence. The facility supports the initiative through involving clients and staff in gathering data on the cheetah’s movement.
The camp guides assist the conservancy rangers in wildlife monitoring and report on any incidences to the conservancy.
Occasionally, the facility hosts a research team from the conservancy who give lectures to guests on conservation and wildlife monitoring issues within the conservancy to create awareness.
Waste water management Grey water from the kitchen, laundry and guest rooms is managed through soak pits. The facility has four (4) main soak pits. Black water from the guest tents, staff quarters and public area is managed through a septic tank system. Effective Micro-organism (EM-1) is added weekly to enhance sludge digestion. The facility has (7) seven septic tanks. The effluent is checked in manholes before flowing in the septic tanks. Sludge digestion occurs in the septic tanks before draining in the soak pits which are connected to radial arms that release the water into the environment. Black water from the staff quarters is managed through a pit latrine. The camp has four (4) pit-latrines.
Purchasing and supplies Dry food (e.g. rice, sugar, flour) for staff and guest is bought in bulk to reduce on packaging. Fruits and vegetables are packed in re-usable crates whereas meat is stored in a cold room.
Employment and remuneration/staff welfare There is also a staff welfare committee which handles and addresses staff issues to the management.
Staff education, communication and awareness training The camp has notice boards fixed within for staff communication
Cultural preservation and promotion/protection of local sites The Camp offers village visits for the visitors; they are sensitized on the local culture and values. Proceeds obtained from guests during the village visits are paid directly to the locals. Visitors are entertained during village visits. The dancers from the local community are paid Kshs. 3,000 per dance
Benefits to local community/community empowerment The camp purchases from the locals where possible. Products such as beads and meat for staff meals, is obtained locally. The facility also employs from the local community. Approximately 90% of the staff is from the local Masai community.
Eagle View pioneered and supports Koiyaki Guiding School through offering internship, attachments and employment opportunities to the students.
The facility ensures payment of requisite fees (financial obligations) as follows;
• Land Lease / Rent: At least USD 50,000 is paid per annum for land occupied by the Camp and Koiyaki guiding School
• Conservancy fee: It’s paid in form of monthly lease of at least USD 34,000 for distribution to the local land owners.
• Bed night fee this is paid to the specific land owners at a rate of USD 10
The camp under Basecamp Explorer Kenya, implements its community initiatives through two main corporate social responsibility (CSR) arms; Basecamp Foundation and Basecamp Masai Brand.
• Through Basecamp Masai Brand (BMB), Eagle View has a curio shop/desk that sells products made by Masai Women Group under BMB. The program (BMB) has brought together 12 villages. BMB id supported by Basecamp Group who purchases beads for the group who in return makes the beads. In addition, the Basecamp foundation buys the beads from the community and assists the group in marketing the products.
Staff benefits include food, medical cover, uniform, entertainment center, transport and accommodation
Cultural Criteria
Health and safety Eagle View is registered with DOSH (Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety) and certificate of workplace issued. Furthermore, medical check-ups have been conducted for food and beverage handlers to ascertain their health fitness in compliance with legislation.
The camp has a team of staff trained on fire-fighting skills while the guest tents are provided with radio calls for use in case of emergency. In addition, the facility has a doctor – on – call from Talek Health centre to attend to visitors or emergency services.
Firefighting equipment including, fire extinguishers, fire blanket in the kitchen, are serviced and strategically placed within the facility. Protective Equipment such as ear muffs, boots, uniform, gloves, and apron to the repairs and maintenance staff.
Fire exits and assembly points are properly marked and displayed within the facility.
Child labor, abuse and human rights The facility does not employ any person below the legal working age of 18 years.
Business Practises Criteria
Entry Date 12th March 2018
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