Lake Nakuru Lodge

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Table of Contents

Name of the facilityLake Nakuru Lodge
Certification AchievedSilver
Year opened1979
Tourism regionNorth Rift
Address1637-00502 Karen, Nairobi
Map It
Telephone/Mobile0720 404480/0722701757
Email[email protected]
Facility NotesLake Nakuru Lodge is located in Lake Nakuru National Park and sits on approximately 30 acres of land leased from KWS. The camp is specifically located on Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates, Latitude -0.4231659 and Longitude 36.1300894. The facility has a bed capacity of 188 with 95 tents and a staff of 118.
The lodge overlooks Lake Nakuru, which is surrounded by various types of wetlands ranging from mud-flats to sedge marshes. With no outlet except through evapo-transpiration, dissolved salts from the volcanic soils turn the river waters into a saline lake. The alkaline water conditions stimulate exponential growth and bloom of the blue green algae, as well as proliferation of specialized crustaceans, fish and amphibians in the lake. The algae blooms attract millions of lesser flamingo, which feed only on blue green algae. The fish and crustaceans provide food to Greater flamingo in addition to a wide variety of storks, egrets, ducks, kingfishers, sandpipers, stilts, avocets and plovers. Lake Nakuru National Park is a world-renowned birds’ paradise with over 500 species recorded. In 2011, Lakes Nakuru, Elmenteita and Bogoria were designated as World Heritage Sites under UNESCO. Although completely fenced, the Park has large populations of the endangered Rothschild Giraffe, waterbuck, buffalo, gazelles and impala. It also has viable populations of the large predators, namely: lion, leopard, hyena, and cheetah. Besides, Lake Nakuru is also a designated site under the Ramsar Convention as a wetland of international importance.
Energy managementThe Lodge is fixed to a national grid which is the main supplier of energy power for the facility; however, there is a back-up generator with a capacity output of 187 KVA. The Lodge has also invested in solar water boilers for heating all water within the facility. There are 28 solar heaters each with a capacity of approximately 200 liters. Energy saving bulbs have been installed throughout the facility to enhance energy conservation. The staff kitchen uses an energy efficient wood stove and fuel wood is sustainably sourced from Delamere Farm.
Environmental managementLake Nakuru Lodge is guided by its environmental policy showing commitment to advocating socially & environmentally sustainable business practices. The lodge complies with environmental legal requirements and has conducted an annual environmental audit of its facility.
Chemical useThe camp uses Diversey biodegradable solutions for cleaning. The chemicals are accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheets. (MSDS).
Conservation Criteria
Community Criteria
Solid waste managementWaste separation at the facility is conducted at source and the bins are clearly labelled. Organic waste is given to a local pig farmer. Plastic waste, bottles, tin cans and glass waste is collected and stored at the waste management center for recycling.
Water managementThe lodge has a borehole which is the main source of water; the water is treated and supplied to all consumer points. The guest rooms are fixed with water efficient shower heads and faucets which assist in reducing water consumption
Visitor communication & educationGuests are briefed upon arrival by the manager on the existing activities of the lodge
PollutionTo prevent soil and water pollution, used oil is put in drums and stored at the generator room; the used oil is used as a wood preservative. The generator is fixed with a muffler – a device that reduces sound through acoustic means, to contain sound pollution
Environmental conservationThe facility is built and operates on low impact. Guest rooms blend with the surroundings and the natural vegetation within is relatively undisturbed. The Lodge involves its staff and guests in tree planting activities within the facility, an initiative aimed at creating environmental awareness. So far, approximately 2,800 trees have been planted in the last two years with 75% success rate. The facility also forms part of the park stakeholders committee, which works together with Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) in implementing conservation projects such as ‘Cycling with rhinos’ event which is held annually. The lodge participates in the planning, sensitization and execution of the project in conjunction with local schools
Waste water managementGrey water from the laundry and the guest rooms flows directly into soak pits. Swimming pool water is cleaned via vacuum cleaning and backwash system and PH levels are checked and recorded for monitoring purposes. Black water from the guest rooms and public area is managed through the sewer system constituting of accesses manholes and later, drains into the septic tanks where digesters are added to enhance sludge digestion
Purchasing and suppliesThe facility purchases its dry food products in bulk to reduce on packaging; fruits and vegetables are packed in re-usable crates whereas meat is packaged in freezers. Fruits, vegetables, poultry and eggs are sourced locally from contracted vendors in Nakuru and Mwariki women group community.
Employment and remuneration/staff welfareThe facility has a team of 41 staff trained on general first aid and firefighting – Training conducted on May 2016 by Anderson Safety Services. First aid kits and fire fighting equipment are also available.
Medical check-ups are conducted in every six (6) months to food and beverage handlers to ascertain their health fitness, and in compliance with the Food, Drugs, and Chemical substances Act. Cap 254. Verified records showed medical examination has been conducted. The facility provides protective gear (Personal Protective Equipment) such as boots, uniform, gloves, aprons to the staff.
Staff education, communication and awareness trainingSixty percent of the permanent employees are sourced from the local community. Casual laborers are also hired from the local community on casual and permanent basis. The facility has notice boards for staff communication as well as ad hoc departmental meetings. The facility boasts of a team of 41 staff trained on general first aid and fire fighting – Training conducted on May 2016 by Anderson Safety Services.
Cultural preservation and promotion/protection of local sitesThe lodge has contracted Mathare – a group of traditional dancers – from Nakuru Town who performs to the visitors. In addition, a local acrobats troupe and a choir (Friends of Lake Nakuru) is also contracted to entertain guests.
Benefits to local community/community empowermentThe Lodge started Mwariki Women Group in 2009 and supports the group in projects and programs aimed at socio economic development and environmental conservation. The programs include;
• Recycling – where women use waste paper to design jewelry. The Lodge supports the group by selling the products in the curio shop and encouraging visitors to visit the community group at their established camp site.
• Food stuffs purchase- The facility purchases fruits and vegetables from this women group.
• Black Rhino micro-financing program; the lodge initiated the establishment of a micro-financing program, through a Kitty of 700,000 Kshs. to offer loans and provide finances to the community to establish income generating initiatives which range from fish farming, goat rearing (leading to weaving from the wool), dairy farming, poultry farming, pig and bee keeping and organic farming, besides the lodge enhances the program through donor funding.
Lake Nakuru Lodge facilitated in establishing a Clinic at Mbaruko Kiaririe at an approximate value of more than KSh1.5 Million. (Currently the lodge is building and equipping the clinic with a maternity wing with an estimated budget of KSH 3 million).
The staff is provided with decent accommodation & sanitation facilities, food and staff uniform. They are also covered by the WIBA insurance. There is also a staff committee which handles and addresses employees’ issues
Cultural Criteria
Health and safetyLake Nakuru Lodge has a health and safety policy committed to compliance with relevant health and safety regulations, minimizing injuries and illness, communication to staff and visitors for continual improvement. The lodge is also equipped with a clinic and a nurse who attends to the guests and staff.
Guest rooms have an emergency evacuation plan pinned at the door indicating emergency contacts and fire assembly points within the lodge. Fire assembly points are clearly and conspicuously marked within the lodge. Safety signage has also been appropriately put up at the swimming pool
Child labor, abuse and human rightsThe facility does not employ under age people
Business Practises Criteria
Entry Date17th November 2017

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